
Painless chatroom widgets on your website

Welcome to websockethub.com. Try out the groupchat, here on the right (click on it).

As a webmaster, to include a chatroom widget in your own page, put this in your HTML:

<script src="https://static.websockethub.com/chatroomwidget.js"></script>

As a visitor, to spawn a groupchat where there is none, use this bookmarklet: websockethub. Note: does not work on secure (SSL/TLS) websites (yet)!

Source code is available at https://github.com/hraban/websockethub.


Websockethub.com was built by Hraban for release under the nobullshitsoftware.com umbrella. Feel free to drop us a line with your comments, or talk to us in the chatbox right here on this page. Enjoy!

Hraban Luyat <hraban@0brg.net>


The demo on this site requires JavaScript!


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